Master of Religion in Public Life
A program designed for professionals seeking to understand and communicate the intersections of religion and social, historical, political and cultural contexts in people’s lives.
Set to begin in fall 2025, this innovative 36-credit program will place its graduates at the forefront of professionals with competencies working in religiously diverse settings no matter what their profession.
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The Master of Religion and Public Life is not a traditional graduate theological degree. Instead of preparing church leaders seeking credentialing for ordination or religious leadership the MRPL provides comprehensive religious literacy for professionals across various sectors, including:
- Public service administrators
- Healthcare professionals
- Social workers
- Educators
- Community organizational leadersNon-profit managers
Students who complete the Master of Religion and Public Life will achieve the following objectives.
- Articulate and practice an ethical understanding of authority, power, and accountability that recognizes, supports, and affirms the dignity and worth of all persons.
- Assess the intersections of social, ecological, economic, political, cultural, and interreligious dynamics of religious experiences in US public life.
- Demonstrate depth of understanding and research competency in a particular area related to US religious culture and public life through identifying a research problem, employing primary and secondary research materials, and providing a coherent, researched discussion in a final integrative paper.
The program welcomes professionals from all backgrounds who seek to enhance their cultural competency and professional effectiveness.
Applications for the inaugural cohort are now being accepted. Interested professionals should email for more information.
18-Month Program
The following sequence would allow a full-time student to complete the MRPL in three semesters or one-and-a-half years.
- Year 1, Fall (13 credits)
THEO 501 Introduction to Theological Education (3)
THEO 511 Engaging the Questions Together (1)
THEO 630 Intro to Old Testament (3) (or THEO 640: New Testament and Early Christianity)
THEO 620 Church History from Pentecost to Yesterday (3)
Elective credits (3)
- Year 1, Spring (13 credits)
THEO 511 Engaging the Questions Together (1)
THEO 541 Master of Arts in Theological Studies Research Seminar (3)
Elective credits (9)
- Year 2, Fall (10 credits)
THEO 511 Engaging the Questions Together (1 credit)
THEO Religion in Context elective (Select one from RiC category; 3)
THEO 570 Final integrative paper (3)
Elective credits (3)
Interested professionals should email for more information.